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I’m studying for my Management class and need an explanation.

Discussion Question:

In a hostage crises, is it ethical for a government to agree to grant a terrorist immunity if he releases the hostages, even though the government has every intention of capturing and prosecuting the terrorist once his hostages are released?

XXX’s Post:

Crisis of Hostage:

There is a drastic increase in the hostage crisis in past two to three decades with numerous demands of the hijackers. These kinds of demands become very difficult to governments to cope up with the situations that might get them into trouble with the unethical activities. Therefore, it explains situation that terrorist group performs some kind of unethical situation like kidnapping the people, blackmailing public for their demands from the government. Doing this kind of activities pushes the government into confusion whether to give them what they are asking for. Here the hijackers demand a lot of money or ask to fulfill their demands by some means of exchanges for the lives of hostages. It is very important for any country’s government to know about the hostage crisis and also to know to deal with this kind of terrorist groups on releasing the hostages. The government needs to take necessary actions to cease this kind of hijacking or kidnapping from the terrorist groups and should make some policies on hostage crisis to deal with them. The decisions between the government and terrorist groups can be negotiable at some point of time with the discussion.

Ethical decisions on Hostage crisis by Government:

As the public is a first priority to any government, it is their duty to take responsibilities of them by protecting common people from any kind of hostage crisis. So in this process, the government should be able to accept any kind of exchanges with the terrorist groups for the lives of the common people (Feste, 2015). Any country’s government should always secure and provide safety to its people as it is the basic ethic of the government that has to take into consideration during the time of hostage crisis by accepting the demands and exchanges that were asked by the terrorist groups.

Identifying the Terrorist groups:

It is always negotiable for both the government officials and hostage groups to accept the conditions if they are in the limitations. The difference between absolute terrorist groups and contingent terrorist groups can be distinct with the situations but always it depends on the demands of the terrorist groups cannot be identified with their demands. Basically, there can be a negotiation between the absolute terrorists and the government or contingent terrorists and the government but the revolutionary terrorist are sometimes non-negotiable and can be problematic for the government.

There should be always a backup plan from the government officials to arrest terrorists groups after the releases of the hostages and prosecute them with the punishments they deserve for the things they have done. Always the plan should be coming from the government officials when the hostages are under the control of terrorist groups.


Leslie, S. (1970). Is counter-terrorism policy evidence-based? What works, what harms, and what is unknown. Retrieved from http://www.redalyc.org/html/727/72720106/

Smith, A. (2002). Combating Terrorism. Retrieved from https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-107666968/combating-terrorism

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