5 pages paper

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

LMT1 Task 1- Performance Assessment: Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management for Educational Leaders

. Evaluate how your school organization uses performance data to improve operational performance by doing the following:

1. Explain how your school organization determines key organizational performance measures.

a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this process.

2. Explain how your school organization collects data to measure overall organizational performance.

a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this process.

3. Explain how your school organization uses data to measure progress related to strategic objectives or action plans.

a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this process.

4. Explain how your school organization collects data to track daily operations.

a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this process.

5. Explain how your school organization uses data to support operational and strategic decision-making.

a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this process.

6. Explain how your school organization uses performance data to improve operational performance.

a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this process.

B. Provide recommendations you would make to improve three of the processes identified in parts A1–A6.

C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Basically it is an explicit review of how my school district measures organizational data and its effectiveness with exact examples and comparisons.

My school is: Western Governors University

Quite Quote


Approximately 250 words

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