A-Read or Listen to “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” need 400 words

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Second Assignment



3- Foundational Authors and two key forms of the genre: while you read the short stories pay attention to the detectives and female characters, we will be focusing on their contribution to the genre, and also on plot development. The third reading is an essay that discusses and compares the characteristics of the classical model (the original form of the genre in the mid 19th century) and the hardboiled variant (we will focus on this form in this class) developed after the 1920s in the US and other countries. In this course we will focus on the hardboiled variant, but it is important to know about the original/classical stories of detection.

A-Read or Listen to “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”. The Classic Detective Story. See links in “course materials”. (this one starts a little slow, but once some of the old conventions of the Classical genre are met, the story moves forward faster and takes interesting turns). Remember that you have the option of listening to it.

B- Read Slippery Fingers and Crooked Souls. Hardboiled Detective Fiction. Focus on the figure of the detective and the plot. These are stories by Hammett (we will read a novel by him next week). In these and others stories he develops the figure of the hardboiled private detective and the hardboiled formula. Hammett is not the only one contributing to develop this type of stories, but his “Continental OP stories”, more than two dozens, contributed greatly to the hardboiled genre of detective fiction. Also in course materials.

C- Read the essay about the classical and hardboiled variants, find it in course materials listed as DF Classical and Hardboiled. When you open the link it says The Hardboiled Detective Story but it discusses the Classical too. It is a good introduction and uses the two examples/readings that we are using this week. Reading ALERT: this reading include some spoilers about The Maltese Falcon (a novel we will read), just be careful and skip those sentences or paragraphs.

TASK 2: Journal DUE JUNE 23. Short Paper/Journal: use the essay about the hardboiled formula and the classical formula.

A) Describe the main elements of the hardboiled formula and the classical formula according to this essay.

B) Make connections between these formulas as described in the essay and the stories we read for this week; in other words, connect each story to some idea or fact developed by the essay.



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