After having reviewed the Content section of this module and read chapter 1-2 & 4-7 students will make an on-line submission of their response to the assignment question below. The book The Great Conversation 7th or 8th edition is required

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*( The book The Great Conversation 7th or 8th edition is required ) The purpose of this assignment is to assess your familiarity with some of the key issues from the Greek mythical tradition in contrast to the distinguishing characteristics of the early Greek naturalist (Pre-Socratics). Examples should be used to illustrate and support your points. The assignment is to be 2-3 pages in length (approx. 1300 words or 100 lines) using standard 12″ font size with 1.5 spacing. You may use bullet lists sparingly for only part of your essay. The essay is your comparison and contrast of Greek myth to the logos of the early Greek naturalist that lead to Socrates.

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