ANT 101 INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY; is Education Chapter 3: Biology and Culture: Race and Ethnicity, Section 3.2: Race, Cultural Ability, and Intelligence, written by Jonsson, R. (2014). Boys’ anti-school culture? Narrative and school practices

I need support with this Writing question so I can learn better.

In the Final Research Paper, you will

  • Describe an aspect of your own culture from an etic (outsider’s) perspective in Part I of the paper.
  • Describe an aspect of another culture from an emic (insider’s) perspective in Part II of the paper.
  • Apply cultural relativism in order to examine misconceptions about culture that may occur due to ethnocentrism.
    • Keep the distinction between cultural relativism and moral relativism in mind as you write your final paper.
    • Even if you do not personally agree with a cultural practice, explain how the practice makes sense in its cultural context.
    • Avoid opinionated or judgmental language in your paper.
  • Analyze your chosen aspect in terms of how it developed as part of a social system within both your culture and another culture.
  • Analyze your chosen aspect in terms of its purpose as part of a social system both within your own culture and another culture.

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