Based on the evidence available to you, what were the TWO most important effects of World War II on the American homefront, including on ideas and everyday life? Explain.

I’m working on a History question and need guidance to help me study.

Hey there my professor have us write a discussion forum and the requirements are

  • Compose a thoughtful answer to one of the questions.
  • Begin with a clear thesis statement (argument) that directly answers the question.
  • Next, develop TWO concrete examples drawn from TWO different assigned course materials.
  • Answers must be at least 200 words in length. Please use full sentences.
  • Please cite each of your sources using a simple parenthetical citation form, including author’s last name, abbreviated title, and page. E.g.: (Foner, GML, 486).

The question of the discussion forums is

Based on the evidence available to you, what were the TWO most important effects of World War II on the American homefront, including on ideas and everyday life? Explain.

Quite Quote


Approximately 250 words

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