Case Assignments

I need help with a Communications question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


I am offer a lot of money because these papers will labor intesive and I expect high quaility work.

1.THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL CONSIST OF 4 DIFFERNT PAPERS (in complete APA format for each paper). ONE BUILDING OFF THE NEXT. Each paper ranging from 4-6 pages.

2. You must first find someone who is willing to go through these exercises with you as a coachee. This can be a friend, a colleague, or a co-worker. It does not have to be a situation tied to your job. The only requirement is that you must be able to identify a contracted piece of work based on a shared concern (if no shared concern can be found, find another coachee).

If you can not meet both of these requirement and supply statisfactory work please DO NOT accept this assignment.


Case 1


The purpose of the Case Assignment is to create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching and developing your skills as a coach. Because this case is designed around experiential learning, we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials to actual skills building. This requires putting what you are learning into immediate practice.

Although the case assignments involve a coaching experience, the focus is on you as the coach. You will be learning how to prepare for a coaching session, what questions you should ask, and what behaviors are most effective. The case involves a coaching relationship with one person and is continued in stages across all four modules, so be sure to focus on the exact stage covered in each module and do not get ahead of yourself.

The goal of the coaching process is to expedite the growth of the coachee’s understanding of his or her strengths and weaknesses. Through the coaching process, the coachee gains an appreciation of his capabilities for growth and builds self-confidence. Thus, before you begin this exercise in coaching, you must first find someone who is willing to go through this exercise with you as a coachee. This can be a friend, a colleague, or a co-worker. It does not have to be a situation tied to your job. The only requirement is that you must be able to identify a contracted piece of work based on a shared concern (if no shared concern can be found, find another coachee).

Johari window

In MGT501, you were introduced to the Johari window as a tool for increasing awareness of how one is perceived by others and to improve communication. This case is designed to enlarge your “open” area and reduce your “blind” area, so you can be more effective as a coach. At the same time, you will learn to use coaching techniques as a way to correct problem behaviors (“blind area”) and help coachees realize they have untapped potential and open the possibility for growth through unused capacities (their “hidden” areas”).

Read: Johari Window (n.d.) Crowe Associates LTD. Retrieved from…

The structure of the Live Case

Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report

  • Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages)
  • Then meet with the coachee and use your plan as a guide for the session
  • The bulk of the report is on how it went: successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (2 to 3 pages)




What are your goals for the session?

What actions do you plan?

How will you know if you are successful?
(1-2 pages)

Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes).

Report on the session. Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).

How do you feel the session went?

Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.

What new knowledge did you gain?

What would you do differently next time?

Case Assignment

The first step in the coaching process is to build rapport with your coachee. This is where you establish a trusting relationship by demonstrating your credibility, helpfulness, and honesty. To build genuine rapport, you must believe in the potential of the person you are coaching – this cannot be faked.

Some excellent methods for building rapport can be found in the following readings:

Remember: Shared success is the key to great coaching!

Shared success means that the outcome works for both the individual and the organization, because it meets both individual and organizational needs. Coaching is a tool where we are able to create that connection between the person and the organization.

Your task in this module is to identify a partner who is willing to be coached by you over the course of the term. Set up an initial meeting and establish rapport. Do not attempt to get into the later stages of coaching; we will get to them in later modules. Focus on the process of establishing rapport only. Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment, below. Turn in your final 4- to 6-page paper to the appropriate dropbox by the due date.

Keys to the Assignment

  1. After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45- to 50-minute session. Remember that your focus for this case is on the process of building rapport with the coachee.
  • What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
  • What skills will you use?
  • How will you go about doing this?
  • What questions will you ask?
  1. Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes).
  2. Write up your post-coaching reflection.
  • Report the facts of the coaching session.
  • What went well and what did not?
  • What did you learn about coaching from this session?
  • What would you do differently next time?


Cardon, A. (2008). Coaching questions and powerful questions. Metasysteme Coaching. Retrieved from…

Scivicque, C. (2012) How to create SMART goals. Retrieved from



Setting goals

The structure of the Live Case (As a reminder, each case involves three separate activities.)

Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report

  • Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages).
  • Then meet with the coachee and use your plan as a guide for the session.
  • The bulk of the report is on how the session went, including successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages).




What are your goals for the session?

What actions do you plan?

How will you know if you are successful?
(1-2 pages).

Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes).

Report on the session.

Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).

How do you feel the session went?

Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.

What new knowledge did you gain?

What would you do differently next time?

Case Assignment

In this module, you will be focusing on helping guide your coachee through the G and R phases of the Grow model. To further prepare for this case, read Chapter 5 entitled “Contracting and Goal-Setting” on pages 61-72 of the following text:

Cook, S. (2009). Coaching for High Performance: How to Develop Exceptional Results Through Coaching. Norwood, Mass: IT Governance Publishing. Retrieved from EBSCO – eBook Collection. ( see attached file)

  • Choose a problem/issue/behavior that you would like to change and that can be dealt with in an appropriate time frame (8 weeks).
  • Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time sensitive).
  • Examine the current reality.
  • Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment, below.
  • Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to TLC by the due date.

Keys to the Assignment

  1. After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45-50 minute session:
    • What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
    • What skills will you use?
    • How will you go about doing this?
    • What questions will you ask?
  2. Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes).
  3. Write up your post-coaching reflection.
    • Report the facts of the coaching session.
    • What went well and what did not?
    • What did you learn about coaching from this session?
    • What would you do differently next time

    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CASE 3

  4. Exploring Options
  5. BackgroundThe purpose of the Case Assignment is to create a “Live Case” by experiencing the process of coaching. Because this case is designed around experiential learning, we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials to actual skills building. This requires putting what you are learning into immediate practice.In this third module, you will be working with your coachee to explore options based on the coachee’s assessment of goals and current reality (as determined in Case 2). The objective of this session is to get your coachee to commit to specific actions. Drawing on the background reading for this and the previous modules, you will plan and carry out a coaching session that involves stage O of the GROW model.There is a comprehensive explanation of the GROW model on the background page for Module 2. Here is a shorter synopsis:The GROW model: A simple process for coaching and mentoring. (2014). Mind Tools. Retrieved from structure of the Live Case (As a reminder, each case involves three separate activities.)Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report.
    • Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages).
    • Then meet with the coachee, and use your plan as a guide for the session.
    • The bulk of the report is on how it went, including successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages).
    Preplanning Action Reflection
    What are your goals for the session?

    What actions do you plan?

    How will you know if you are successful?
    (1-2 pages)

    Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes). Report on the session.Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).

    How do you feel the session went?

    Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.

    What new knowledge did you gain?

    What would you do differently next time?

    Case Assignment

    Assignment instructions This phase of the coaching process requires brainstorming. Think you know everything there is to know about brainstorming? Too often, we overlook some essential basics about processes we think we know well. Take a few minutes to refresh your understanding of the “rules” of effective brainstorming in this article from the Trident Library:Van Valin, S. (2014). Brainstorming. Leadership Excellence, 31(2), 20-21. Retrieved from ProQuest.

    • Brainstorm as many options as possible that will help your coachee achieve his or her goal.
    • Discuss the options and select the best ones.
    • You may offer your suggestions, but let your coachee do most of the work of generating and evaluating the options. Remember that the objective is to get the coachee to commit to action, and this means that the coachee must feel “ownership” of the plan.
    • Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment below.
    • Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to the appropriate dropbox by the due date.

    Keys to the Assignment

    • After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45-50 minute session:
    • What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
    • What skills will you use?
    • How will you go about doing this?
    • What questions will you ask?
    • Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes). Remember the ultimate goal of the session is to come up with a plan to which the coachee commits.
    • Write up your post-coaching reflection.
      • Report the facts of the coaching session; summarize the plan.
      • What went well and what did not?
      • What did you learn about coaching from this session?
      • What would you do differently next time?

    Assignment Expectations

    • Include a cover page and reference page in addition to the 4–5 pages of analysis described above.
    • Your paper should have an introduction and a conclusion.
    • Use headings to indicate major sections of the report.
    • Cite and reference any outside sources.
    • Use APA formatting.
    • Proofread and edit your papers carefully. The expectation is zero errors.



Closure and Review – please use 2-4 references

In this fourth module, you will be working with your coachee to close the coaching session and determine the next phase of your relationship. Will you terminate the relationship or move on to a new coaching experience? A part of this process is soliciting feedback from your coachee as to how successful the coaching sessions were.

  • What did the coachee learn?
  • How will the coachee deal with people and situations differently?
  • What priorities have been set and what still needs to be accomplished?

One outcome of this session is to come to a mutual decision of whether to terminate the coaching relationship or continue to work together on a new coaching issue. Drawing on the background reading for this and the previous modules, you will plan and carry out a coaching session that involves stage W of the GROW model.

There is a comprehensive explanation of the GROW model on the background page for Module 2. Here is a link to a shorter synopsis for review:

The GROW model: A simple process for coaching and mentoring. (2014) Retrieved from

The structure of the Live Case NOTE: This module also includes an extra activity to be completed by the coachee and submitted as an appendix to your usual paper.

Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report.

  • Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages).
  • Then meet with the coachee and use your plan as a guide for the session.
  • The bulk of the report is on how it went: successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages).




What are your goals for the session?

What actions do you plan?

How will you know if you are successful? (1-2 pages).

Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes).

Report on the session.

Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).

How do you feel the session went?

Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.

What new knowledge did you

What would you do differently next time?

Case Assignment

Read about conducting wrap-up sessions at the following site:

One powerful way to wrap up a coaching session. (2011, September 13). The Coaching Tools Company. Retrieved from…

Click on this copy of the Coachee Feedback Assessment Form. You can use this form in one of two ways:

  • You may have your coachee fill this out as a “homework” assignment prior to your meeting, or
  • You can use the assessment form to structure your feedback session by typing your coachee’s answers as you hold your wrap-up session. In this last case, it is a good idea to email the finished completed form to the coachee so he can have a reminder of what was accomplished.
  • Either way, be sure to include the feedback form as an attachment to your paper.

Conduct your final coaching session as described above and write it up as detailed in the keys to the assignment and the assignment expectations.

Keys to the Assignment

  1. After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a final 45- to 50-minute session:
    • What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?
    • What skills will you use?
    • How will you go about doing this?
    • What questions will you ask?
  2. Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes).
  3. Write up your post-coaching reflection.
    • Report the facts of the coaching session.
    • What went well and what did not?
    • What did you learn about coaching from this session?
    • What would you do differently next time?

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