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Chapter 3: After reading Chapter 3, return to the section titled “Identity: Individualism–Collectivism Value Pattern,” reflect on your culture’s value pattern, post a thoughtful response to the following questions:

  • Give at least one example that demonstrates the individualistic or collectivistic value pattern of your own culture.
  • Give at least one example that demonstrates the individualistic or collectivistic value pattern in the United States (not from the textbook or Google!)
  • To which section of the iceberg model (Chapter 1) does your example belong? Why?

Chapter 4: After reading Chapter 4, return to the section titled “Ethnic-Racial Identity Change Process” post a thoughtful response to the following questions:

  • What initial reaction did you have?
  • What insights did you gain by understanding the various stages of ethnic identity development?
  • How does understanding this model allow you to be a more flexible communicator?

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