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Hazard Map for Workplace Assignment
Once you know the basic kinds of hazards, you can begin to identify them in the workplace.When you walk into a workplace, use what you know about hazards to identify them.Although each workplace is unique, the types of dangers in each are not.In any workplace you may find physical hazards such as noise, moving machine parts, or other dangerous equipment.Chemical hazards, such as pesticides or cleaning products, or biological hazards, such as human blood also may be present.
Below is a simple map showing the basic layout of a grocery store with hazards identified in each area of the store.Label the type of hazards with the following code:P to show physical hazards
C to show chemical hazards
B to show biological hazards
Now select either your workplace or a future workplace and create a Hazard Map. To begin the map, draw a rough floor plan of the workplace.The floor plan should show rooms, work areas, major fixtures and equipment, doors, and windows.
Once your floor plan is drawn, decide where the hazards are located.Mark these locations on the floor plan.Label the type of hazards you find with the code:
P to show physical hazards
C to show chemical hazards
B to show biological hazards
If you are not sure whether something is a hazard, mark it anyway.It is always better to ask if something is a hazard than to ignore it and find out later that it was a hazard because you or someone else became injured or ill.