Cultural Aesthetic Project

I’m working on a Nursing question and need guidance to help me study.

Purpose: Aesthetic projects are a form of learning used in nursing education. Carper (1978) describes how aesthetic knowledge is one way of knowing in nursing. Aesthetic knowledge comes from our understanding the look, feel, smell, taste, and sound of things. This understanding triggers us to open up and question what is known and what is experienced as part of our nursing practice and our “time-out” from practice. Aesthetic learning aids our learning in the affective domain, reinforces that nursing knowledge is not just based on what we observe or experience, and hopefully will result in a change of perspective and values (Dyar & Dever, 2019; Sandberg, 2016).

Skills: The purpose of this assignment is to practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course and in professional life beyond nursing school. Creativity is something each of us have. Just to imagine yourself as a nurse one day requires a creative imagination. Honing your creative side has the potential to help you in solving clinical problems.

Knowledge: In this assignment you will describe and demonstrate understanding of one or more elements of cultural dimensions that guide areas of your life such as social relationships, expression of thoughts, emotions, morality, religious beliefs, rituals, or the use of technology (Giddens, 2017). You will explain the connection of one (or more) of Mayeroff’s caring ingredients to your chosen cultural dimension in a written paragraph for your audience to read. By sharing a piece of you and your family culture, as well as responding to peers in an electronic discussion board environment, you are enhancing empathy and a holistic view of others (Dyar & Dever, 2019).

Task: After selecting a minimum of one Cultural Dimension and one of Mayeroff’s eight ingredients of caring you will write an introduction paragraph and develop then prepare your aesthetic project that can be converted into a media file and posted on the designated Discussion Board in Courseden. • Create you project (collage, video, poem, drawing, painting, music, lyrics, pottery, sewing, knitting, gardening, canning) be as creative as possible!

• Convert your project into a media file – visual (photo, Prezi, power point presentation) Auditory (mp4, video). Viewing time must not exceed 8 minutes if in mp4, video, Prezi, power point presentation nor can it be less than 2 minutes. a. Name your Media File b. Example:

• Type your one paragraph that explains the connection of the Mayeroff ingredient to your chosen cultural dimension. (Table Below) a. No Cover Page b. Double spaced c. References required if copyright media is used d. Criteria (rubric) copied on the bottom or page two of this document. Name your Paragraph Document CAP.paragraph.Lastname.Firstinital i. Example: CAP.paragraph.Stark.T

Table with acceptable Cultural Dimensions and Mayeroff ingredients. You MUST choose a minimum of one cultural dimension and one ingredient. You are welcome to choose more than one of each.


Attitudes- a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a a person’s behavior.

Beliefs-trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something

Self-definitions-the evaluation by oneself of one’s worth as an individual in distinction from one’s interpersonal or social roles

Norms- a standard or pattern, especially of social behavior, that is typical or expected of a group

Roles- the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation

Values- a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life



Alternating Rhythms







Sample Copy

Peru Missions

Serving in international medical missions has shaped almost every dimension of my culture in some way. I had to demonstrate courage to venture into a foreign country when the final destination was not always known, and the language spoken was not like my own. The alternating rhythm of adapting to my circumstances when there was not always water, shelter, or air conditioning and the patience to be willing to take on these challenges was part of the understanding in my role as a missionary. The alternating rhythms, courage, and patience have followed me into my personal and professional life. Medical missions values caring and respect of others. These are the values that I try to incorporate into my life each day. My PowerPoint presentation illustrates many pictures of my biological and missionary family serving in Peru. There are pictures of joy and sadness, hope and despair, and above all else, caring and respect of others. One of the roles my husband and I believe is important to our family is leading by example to our children. We place value on bringing our children with us and serving side by side in missions as a family. Our experiences in international missions have forever changed our lives, and we value serving others more than words can describe.


Story, L. (2011). Blessings. On Blessings [Audio file]. Retrieved from…

Quite Quote


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