(Debellis et al., 2009) found by accessing the link below. The video is of a simulated interaction between a client (John) who is diagnosed with ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’, his family members, a community health nurse, and paramedics in a community setting.

Assessment of interviewing and feedback skills
to critically analyse the interaction between the client, the client’s family and the nurse in ‘Come Walk with Me’ (Debellis et al., 2009) found by accessing the link below. The video is of a simulated interaction between a client (John) who is diagnosed with ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’, his family members, a community health nurse, and paramedics in a community setting.Whilst watching the video please identify two positive and two negative examples of communication plus one ethical issue. Enter your examples, together with rationales,into the assignment response sheets provided below. All rationales given are to be supported with evidence and referenced according to Harvard referencing style.
Grading of this assignment will be done by your Lecturer using the rubric below and returned to you via FLO.
Link to video and further notes on the scenario:
VIDEO –Come Walk with Me7.18 mins
“In this scenario, we meet:
John, an elderly Australian man with possible early AD
Anne, a community nurse
Kerrie, his youngest daughter and his main carer
Jenny, his eldest daughter
Phil, a senior Paramedic
Steve, a junior Paramedic
The setting is John’s own home in a suburban community where he has lived for many years.
John is experiencing symptoms of AD. Prior to his wife’s death, John cared for his wife who had cancer. John is a fiercely independent man who has been a successful business man. His memory has become increasingly impaired so his daughter Kerrie has looked after him and supported him to remain at home. Her sister, Jenny, runs her own business and has limited time to contribute to her father’s needs.
Kerrie has recently gone on a holiday and asked her sister, Jenny, to look after their father while she was away. Jenny, as the favourite daughter, is her father’s pride and joy and gets anything that she wants from her father, as well as making decisions for him that Kerrie, as the primary carer, sometimes does not know about.
Anne, who is John’s community nurse, comes to pay him a visit as she has done monthly since his wife’s death and finds him in a distressed state. There is evidence that John has a scalp laceration that suggests he has had a fall, so Anne contacts Kerrie and Jenny, as well as the paramedics to transport”

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