Describe the humoral and neural afferent and efferent pathways involved in the vomiting reflex (use a diagram if necessary)

5. Answer all parts of this question:
a) Describe the humoral and neural afferent and efferent pathways involved in the
vomiting reflex (use a diagram if necessary). Include in your answer the type and
location of the neurotransmitters involved. (22 marks)
b) Answer both parts of this sub-question:
i. Explain why metoclopramide may not be as effective as ondansetron in
preventing chemotherapy induced emesis in cats and dogs. (8 marks)
ii. Explain why maropitant may be used for motion sickness in both cats
and dogs. (3 marks)
c) Answer both parts of this sub-question:
i. Describe the normal absorption of dietary vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and
folate and, outline factors that may contribute to their deficiency. You
may use a diagram if necessary. (13 marks)
ii. Justify the parenteral use of vitamin B12 in cases of cobalamin
deficiency. (2 marks)



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