
I’m trying to learn for my Statistics class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Given this data set – from the NOAA for Manchester, NH, select a random month between January 1930 and December 1957. Begin with this month and analyze the next 25 data values (i.e. 2 years and 1 month) for the variable “TPCP” (See Second Tab in Data Set for variable descriptions). For example, if May 1955 is chosen as the starting month, then the “TPCP” data would be from May 1955 through May 1957. Using Excel, StatCrunch, etc., construct a histogram to represent your sample. Report the sample mean, median, and standard deviation as a part of your discussion of skewness.

Determine the interval for the middle 68% of your sample data and relate this to the sample standard deviation.

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