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After reading Modules 13 and 15 in your textbook and reading Case 6 on McDonalds in India – Not a Happy Meal, what are your thoughts? Share at least two main ideas/topics you took out of the textbook and/or case 6 that you believe to be important when accessing global trade and its challenges. Please, justify your response, and feel free to cite outside source

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I’m studying for my Computer Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

A paper on how you would advise your current employer to use encryption to reduce the vulnerabilities of their data at rest, in use, and in transit (or in motion). Identify at what points you think their data is at the highest risk. Consider where the data is when it at rest, in transit, or in use and the potential vulnerabilities associated with each of those locations.

Apart from that, try to write in a professional way in APA format with in-text citations and atleast 3 references included.

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