DQ 2 week 2

I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study.


please reply to the following discussions with 100-150 words each reply. Should you have any questions pls do not hesitate to contact me.

1- Chiamaka,

Evidence-based health care practices are available for a number of conditions such as asthma, heart failure, and diabetes. However, these practices are not always implemented in care delivery, and difference in practices abound. Implementing evidence-based safety practices are difficult and need strategies that address the complication of systems of care, individual practitioners, senior leadership, and ultimately changing health care cultures to be evidence-based safety practice environments.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the thorough and thoughtful use of current best evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values to guide health care decisions. Best evidence includes empirical evidence from randomized controlled trials; evidence from other scientific methods such as descriptive and qualitative research; as well as use of information from case reports, scientific principles, and expert opinion. When enough research evidence is available, the practice should be guided by research evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values.

Steps of promoting adoption of EBPs can be viewed from the perspective of those who conduct research or generate knowledge, those who use the evidence-based information in practice, and those who serve as boundary spanners to link knowledge generators with knowledge users.


Titler, M. (2008). The Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation.

2- Hiro,

Healthcare organizations and leaders are under pressure to improve outcomes by creating a structure/culture/environment in which exploration of critical inquiry and the available body of evidence is an integral part of daily nursing practice (Mick, 2017). The problem with the organization adopting EBP is lack of resources and the lack of awareness from nursses on how EBP can help them practice better in providing effective patient care.

Learning how to better link dollars to outcomes to portray a return on investment that demonstrates how EBP contributes to an organization’s profit margin could possibly justify additional investment in time and resources (Mick, 2017).


Mick, J. (2017). Call to action: How to implement evidence-based nursing practice.

3- Alicia,

Evidence-based practices are an important aspect in patient care and outcome and implementing those practices may be a challenge for numerous reasons such as ineffective leadership or communication, inadequate support or knowledge, and opposing attitudes and behaviors from staff members reluctant to change. Evidence-based nursing is intended to standardize health care practices to the latest and best science available in order to minimize variations in care and avoid unanticipated health outcomes. How findings from evidence-based research are translated into effective nursing practices and policies considerably impacts health outcomes, the improvement of health care systems, and the performance of individual and group providers; significant barriers still exist in adopting or implementing evidence based nursing (Correa-de-Araujo, 2016). The main issue we are facing in addressing a solution to evidence-based practice is reluctant and hesitation from the staff members to actually initiate those new changes. Senior staff members don’t feel the need to implement those new changes and don’t see why there needs to be a change in how certain things are done. Also, lack of proper education and communication adds to the reluctance staff members feel because staff members aren’t adequately prepared or educated on these new evidence-based practices. I, too, feel lost at times when we are told to do something a new way without proper introduction or explanation. Ineffective communication and education leaves us feeling confused and hesitant to carry out those new practices. Ensuring that we provide safe, evidence-based, cost-effective care to all patients is an assumption of today’s health care system; on the other hand, elements that foster effective translation of best evidence into daily practice are influenced by nurses’ understanding and believing that EBP improves patient care outcomes, clinical leaders’ modeling EBP in daily practice, and a culture that supports practice change based on best evidence (Makic, Rauen, Jones & Fisk, 2015). Evidence-based practices are necessary to ensure the best patient care and outcome and in order to see successful results, staff members should be willing to be open to changes and stay educated on the most current practices.


Correa-de-Araujo, R. (2016). Evidence-Based Practice in the United States: Challenges, Progress, and Future Directions. Health Care for Women International, 37(1), 2–22.

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