Wine and food matching FROM CHILE – national and regional perspectives.
Analyse and summarise the main concepts of the countries food matching using concrete examples of wines produced there & local dishes (from the area described as well as different wine styles, grape varieties from all over the country), critically discuss the main reason why an understanding of matching and exclusion of the region’s wine with a particular dish is essential. Discover classic wine producing techniques as well as modernist, how those affect the flavour of the wine produced and its pairing with food. Illustrate your answers with specific examples. Main pairing rules and cultural rules, as well as Asian, Indian (any kind of ethnic) food and different wine styles pairings are good to be mentioned.
(max. 1500 words)
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Introduction, Pairing Approaches, Essay structure & examples (week 1) Style Guide – Academic Writing (General), includes:
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Explanation of the country under investigation Its sub-region and styles/blends of wines produced over there, here student can mention history of winemaking and various blends produced in the region, as well as statement of a famous chefs related to the region, wine experts working with and focusing on the region’s wines, any relevant statements regarding the current state of the wines in the region and its place in international gastronomic arena, pairings in restaurants around the globe.
Introduction of the native food traditional for the area and localities around it: styles, traditional dishes, history, chefs, reworked traditional regional foods, flavours, ingredients, components, demonstration of understanding of the concept “what grows together – goes together”.
Wine production and main production regions and major sub-regions which reflect various grape varieties blends, flavour characteristics of the wine styles / types.
Main pairing rules and cultural rules as well as Asian food, ethnic food, contemporary food and different wine styles pairings are good to be mentioned.
Classification & requirements of the selected region wines, focus on various systems/vintage variations plus different wine styles. Concrete examples of regional food and various international foods pairings.
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