Find an article on the internet outline a security breach or cyber attack. Provide a link to the article and suggest a control that would mitigate against that attack. Clearly explain why that control would be an effective mitigation strategy.

I don’t know how to handle this Article Writing question and need guidance.

Find an article on the internet outline a security breach or cyber attack. Provide a link to the article and suggest a control that would mitigate against that attack. Clearly explain why that control would be an effective mitigation strategy.

Comment on someone else’s post. Either agree or disagree with their suggest and provide a reason why you agree or disagree.

In your main post, thoroughly describe the attack and how it occurred. Also, if the article identifies a way to prevent the attack, also describe it in your main post. Your main post should be a minimum of 300 words and replies should be no less than 150 words.

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