for your first paper you will be required to write an essay at least four pages long evaluating an argument article

Find and read a published article that makes a clear argument in
a specific topic. You may use an article from our textbook, or one you select from the library.
After reading through the article, you will write your own essay, explaining how the argument is
constructed, both in terms of organization and content. Does the author start with their thesis
clearly in the introduction, or do they wait until the conclusion to make their argument clear?
Does the author use a range of ethical, emotional, and logical evidence to support their argument,
or do they rely on one type of evidence the most? Does the author arrange their argument from
weakest to strongest evidence, and if so why do they do this? You are writing an argument on
how and why the article you read is organized and written the way it is, to persuade readers to
agree with the authorâ€s point. You will argue how well the author succeeded at convincing you
of their goals.
Your essay needs to be clear and unified under your thesis. Make sure to include specific
evidence from the article you read, to show how and why you analyzed the article the way you
did in your essay. Make sure to review the section in your textbook on proper MLA citation for
any quotes or paraphrases you use from your outside source.
Grading Criteria
Successful papers will have:
1. A developed introductory paragraph, with a clear thesis. Must state why the article was
persuasive or not. (10 points)
2. Well-supported, unified body paragraphs with specific examples that reinforce your
thesis. Include your original thoughts on the evidence, and how it supports your thesis.
(15 points)
3. Analysis of how the articles organization enhances or distracts from the authorâ€s
argument. (10 points)
4. Smoothly integrated quotes from an outside source. (5 points)
5. A conclusion that summarizes your main point, and offers a final thought about the value
of your argument. (5 points)
6. Your paper will also be thoroughly edited for sentence-level errors. If you have any
questions on sentence structure or grammar, visit the Writing Center, or see me in my
office. (5 points)
Total points: 50

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