I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.
There are 4 posts that I have to comment them. Each one no less than three sentences and 50 words.
No research need it. Since we just have to comment them, please don’t do it way too professional. Ex. I agree with you….
The original question for post 1 and 2 is:
After conducting the leadership instrument activity for chapter 4 of the Northouse textbook, what would you say is your preferred leadership style? Are there situations where your style may vary? If so, why do you think that is the case?
The original question for post 3 and 4 is:
- Define the terms history and historiography? What are they?
- Western Civilization’s history is based on documents created in it? Yes or no? Explain why?
- Explain what a primary, secondary, and tertiary historical document is and give an example of each.
After conducting the leadership instrument activity, the results I got were a democratic leadership style; this style is conforming to my leadership ways in the military as well. The task will be given to a group of soldiers, and I expected them to follow such instructions without having to monitor their every move, trust in your group of people is essential. The issues within the group are also of high priority. The outcome in the democratic leadership style is, for the most part, always a positive one. Also, mutual praise and group-mindedness are vital for this style (Northouse, 2017). A democratic leader shows the motivation to the group, which in effect turns to a follower wanting to do their best also (Northouse, 2017). Communication is key to this type of leadership; this is the best way for a group of people to move forward to their end goal and gain mutual accomplishments (Northouse, 2017). Certain situations may dictate the leadership style I apply, for example; in matters of life or death with a military mission then the method would be using more pressure without hearing too much of other people’s minds. The style that can accomplish more in less amount of time is the authoritarian on which I would use it would get the job done regardless of anyone say so but the leader (Northouse, 2017).
I think my preferred leadership style would be “democratic.” Under this category, we think that other followers can basically “handle their own.” This would include us helping/assisting them, if need be. If there were to be a project or some kind of work that needed to be done and another person needed help, we try to help them with whatever they need. We try to work with them and include similar and mutual opinions to produce the best outcome. We don’t think we are better than anyone and we aren’t looking to change anyone. We have to open our ears and listen to the other followers/leaders. Listening is a very important factor in helping someone. We are looking to provide information, guidance, and suggestions. We are very friendly and not too pushy when trying to assist. Wanting to make decisions as a group and not give credit to just ourselves is also an important factor.
There may be situations where my style would vary. I think it would probably be if the person that I was trying to help, didn’t want help. I would try my best to convince them to let me assist them, and if they aren’t wanting me to, then I won’t. If this happens, or continues to happen, then I’ll more than likely have the attitude of the laissez-faire style. I’m always wanting to help someone, as long as they will let me help and I’m able to help. I’ve had that mindset since I was a younger kid, and I hope that never changes.
“History, in its broadest sense, is the totality of all past events, although a more realistic definition would limit it to the known past. Historiography is the written record of what is known of human lives and societies in the past and how historians have attempted to understand them”[i] History covers everything in the past and to aid it learning about the past, it is usually divided into sections of time and broken into smaller more focused time and location in history. The Historiography is our attempt to understand and evaluate the artifacts of the different histories.
Western Civilization has volumes of primary sources covering most aspects of life and government. The Greeks, Hebrews and the Romans were well documented with Christianity and the New and Old Testaments.[ii] Their explorations and battles brought their cultures and languages to the new worlds. The art, buildings and literature from western civilizations is well preserved and used to explore different hypotheses to better understand what life was like for the people living at the times.
Western Civilization covers different times and different geological locations throughout history. The history to better understand it and narrow answers to questions is broken into time frames. Our text book breaks the chapters into relevant periods of time, such as Enlightenment or European expansion to better focus the information.
“Primary sources are the evidence that individuals, cultures and societies leave behind”.[iii] Primary sources originate from the people partaking or witnessing any given event and sharing the story verbally, printed or a form of art.” A photo, letter or official papers are all primary sources. Secondary sources are the interpretations of a topic by others that draw on the primary sources.”[iv] The research papers we write are secondary sources, we take points from primary sources and develop a unique thought process. Tertiary sources are grouped sources of information, such as textbooks.
History is the study and examination of substantial past events that impacted the nation or smaller areas. These records or accounts sometimes include an explanation of what caused these diverse events, and the information is usually presented in chronological order. Historiography is defined as the writing of history that is critically observed by looking over reliable sources that have vital details needed to understand past events. This helps keep an organized record of human events, so society can gain knowledge about history.
The history of Western civilization is based on documents created within it because it’s primarily written about events that occurred in Western or European societies. The first records trace back all the way to Ancient Greece and Rome, and the civilization continued to advance during the Middle Ages with developing Christianity. The Renaissance then occurred in the 14th to 17th century and dramatically changed the way of life of the Western civilization.
The reformation brought about the 30 Year War that was fought over religion dominance that involved and affected mostly all European countries. The age of discovery is an important time in Western Civilization’s History because the western societies started rigorous exploration of different parts of the world. This launched complete communication with Africa, the Americas, and Asia.
A primary source is a record of an event that displays original information/thinking and is created by someone who first-hand witnessed the event. A secondary source is usually structured off primary sources and is a more thorough summary interpreting the primary source. Tertiary sources are collections of primary and secondary sources that contain a countless amount of detailed information written and reviewed by multiple people.