I’m working on a Social Science question and need guidance to help me study.
To complete this assignment, first select a point and counterpoint issue
of interest to examine. You may choose your own or select from the list
- Vaccinating Children
- Stem Cell Research
- Banning/Removing the Confederate Flag 1 (Captioned Video: link here)
- Banning/Removing the Confederate Flag 2 (Captioned Video: link here)
- Paying College Athletes
- Coal/Natural Gas vs. Nuclear Power
- Breastfeeding in Public 1
- Breastfeeding in Public 2
Then, complete and submit the graphic organizer based on the issue that you chose. View the Theme 4 Graphic Organizer Exemplar on the hybrid and electric cars debate and the climate change debate as a model of how to approach this activity.
A Graphic Organizer Template can be found Here.
To complete this assignment, review the Graphic Organizer Rubric document.