Implementing IEP Response

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Please respond to 4 people with 200 words for each response

  • Respond to 2 classmate’s posts adding ways to enhance their data collection techniques. What suggestions can you give them? Why do you think this will prove more successful?


One way I kept data was by using a tally chart when assessing the frequency of a behavior. For example, i had used a tally chart when assessing how many times a student was calling out answers, questions, random thoughts in class. So I had a chart written out with the subjects for the day and the chart spanned for a week. Every time the student called out, I added a tally mark. I had another chart the same as this one for how many times he was off task (not completing his work). This was used to determine if a recommendation was needed from the school psychologist for the child to be evaluated for ADHD (which he was classified with later on).

I have kept notes on students in a notebook or binder. I would take short abbreviated notes during the day and then write them out later on in full sentences. Sometimes they were written in bullet form and other times in paragraph form.

I did use an ABC chart on a few students in order to assess the reason behind targeted behaviors (avoidance, frustration, excitement)

With a few students who had behavior concerns, I kept a behavior log that went back and forth between the parents and myself. This kept the parents updated daily on what their child’s needs were and what needed to be reinforced at home. The parents were always in agreement with the behavior log on the students who I have done one for.

There were times that I would type up an abbreviated form of my notes for the student’s file in school psychologist’s office for future teachers to use.


  • I am constantly collecting data on and about my students. My primary way of collecting data is through Google Forms and assessments given in class. I collect academic data through the assessments that I give on Schoology. Because of the grading features on the LMS I can determine the different benchmarks that the students are exceeding, meeting, approaching, or are far below. For other measurable goals I use Google Forms. I have students fill out a survey weekly based on their opinions of class and the material. This allows me to gauge where the students are at utilizing more than just test scores, since we know students are more than just their scores. I also have a Google Form that I fill out at the end of the day for my thoughts on student behavior, successes, and challenges from the day. This allows myself to reflect on my teaching practice and what worked well and what did not go as well. By doing this daily, I can develop trends and patterns of things I do in my classroom that are working, and things that are not working.
  • One way that I can change the way I collect data is to have students utilize more scale based answers. This will make it easier for me to quantify their answers. I can also set up a Google Doc for each student where they can leave feedback in a more open setting. Another way that I change the way I collect data is to incorporate other teachers into the data collection process. I can set up a form that other teachers can fill out about the student that i want to collect data on. This will allow me to compare and contrast the way the student is behaving and other data between the different classes.

  • Respond to at least one of your colleagues with a question


Every trimester a progress report is sent home with a student’s report card to inform parents of their child’s progress on his/her IEP goals. I am also collecting ongoing data on how my student’s perform on the therapy activities during our sessions. My data system is often observation and informal assessments. I often use tally charts to monitor how often the student is demonstrating the targeted skill. For example, if the student is working on their speech production skills, then I will tally how often the target sound is produced correctly during those structured tasks. If the student has language goals, for example, that focuses on following multi-step directions, then I will use a tally system to determine if they understood the direction and completed them accurately. It is important to collect consistent data to help determine if the student is making progress or if the intervention needs to be monitored, in order for them to make the expected growth. Another way I collect data is anecdotal notes. I understand this may be more subjective, however, still informative, all the while. For my students, I may write down additional behaviors that were observed in order for them to correctly completed the expected tasks. For example, did they require extra time to respond, did they require cueing (verbal or visual), did they self-correct errors, etc. This is helpful information as it provides a deeper understanding of the child’s performance and development of their skills.

One way that I think I can change the way I collect data is to use a student’s classroom work samples (i.e. a written language sample) to see if there is carryover of the skills from therapy into the classroom setting. Curriculum based assessment and intervention are very valuable and that is an area that I need to expand my knowledge and experience in.

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