in the textbook, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: Immigration in Texas,” and write an essay that addresses the following questions:

I’m trying to study for my Law course and I need some help to understand this question.

1. Read Chapter 1 in the textbook, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: Immigration in Texas,” and write an essay that addresses the following questions:

  • How is the population changing in Texas?
  • What are some of the possible political implications of the changing population in Texas?
  • After reading the “You Decide” passage, do you agree with Dan Patrick or Julian Castro? Should undocumented immigrants be given a pathway to citizenship or be sent back to their country of origin?
  • What are the pros and cons of illegal immigration in regards to both the U.S. and Texas economies? Consider how illegal immigrants have positively or negatively affected the economy.
  • Do you believe compromise is possible on immigration? Are the only two options deportations and amnesty? Is there a third option?
  • What role should the state of Texas play in the immigration policy?

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