Individual reflective account on decision making in MarkStrat

Assessment Criteria
– Two individual cognitive maps plus a reflective account.
• Two complete cognitive maps and a short discussion
comparing the similarities and differences of the
perceptions of the main drivers of performance
presented in the two cognitive maps
Two complete cognitive maps produced of beliefs and causal relationships between
beliefs of the main drivers of performance near the start of MarkStrat simulation and again near the end.
Write a  short discussion comparing the similarities and differences of the perceptions of the main drivers of performance presented in the two cognitive maps.
A reflective account on what could have been done to achieve a better performance
including what market research studies are critical in supporting strategic decision making and what you have learned in the simulation. High standard of written English.

login to
1. at the drop down select “A Participant” and enter DMX-ZEG27
2. Click on the Markstrat logo to open the Team platform
3. Team password: 4711

after click in use the information in the website to make an individual cognitive maps and compare it with the first cognitive maps i provided in the additional files
Need to have a draft by the 02/03 morning.

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Approximately 250 words

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