Memo paper

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  1. Format: Your memo’s body paragraphs should be single spaced. Do not indent. Use Times

New Roman, 12 pt. font.

  1. Length: At least one full page.
  2. Body Paragraphs: Please compose full sentences when responding to the following prompts. Your answers will serve as the content of your memo’s body paragraphs. Do NOT number your answers and do NOT include the questions anywhere in your memo. You do NOT need to use the ‘Summary,’ ‘Discussion,’ ‘Recommendation’ format. Create three paragraphs that respond to each of the paragraph directions below:
  3. First Body Paragraph: Introduce yourself and explain what you hope to learn from our course and its real-world, workplace writing emphasis.
  4. Second Body Paragraph: Discuss your writing experiences up to this point. How many other composition courses have you taken? What did you learn? Do you like writing? What aspects of writing give you the most trouble? Have you used research in any previous courses?
  5. Third Body Paragraph: What would be your ideal future job? Why? What kind of writing could you expect to do in this future career field?
  6. Proofread your work multiple times. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. It only takes one or two sentence-level errors to damage a writer’s credibility.

Thank you!

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Approximately 250 words

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