My Marketing IDV Project

MKTG205-1204B-10 Principles of Marketing

Assignment Name:
Unit 3 Individual Project

Deliverable Length:
The body of the paper should be 3 pages


Once you have developed your product/service, you then need to determine how to make it available to the end user. Using your textbook and the articles from the Databases in the AIU Library, develop a distribution system for the product/service you chose in Unit 1.
Click here for the research requirements and guide for this assignment.
W3 Research.  

An overview of distribution channels:

Channel Levels: Direct versus Indirect Distribution
Channel Organizations: Conventional, Vertical, Horizontal and Multichannel Marketing Systems

Analyze your target market’s needs. Explain what you know about your target market and what they want from a channel of distribution.  
Determine which channel members you will use and explain why (Indirect: retailer, wholesaler, dealer, manufacturer’s rep, etc. Direct: catalog, telephone, sales force, etc.)
Discuss how many channel members you will use and explain why (intensive distribution, exclusive distribution or selective distribution)
Recommend a channel organization and explain why (conventional, vertical, horizontal or multichannel marketing system) 

Your report MUST include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. For more information on APA, please visit the APA Lab. The paper should be written in third person; this means pronouns like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged. 
Your assignment should contain a cover page, an abstract page and a reference page in addition to the body. The body of the paper should be 2-3 pages in length – starting with a brief one paragraph introduction and ending with a short conclusion. The entire submission will be 5-6 pages in length. 
Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format using the attached Template.

Grading Criteria

Overview of distribution channels

Analyze target marketâ€s needs in distribution channels


Determine which channel members you will use and explain why


Discuss how many channel members you will use and explain why


Channel Organization


Grade for Unit 3 Individual Project


Grading will be based on Content, Application, Research, Mechanics (APA format, spelling grammar, punctuation) and Style – (Organization, readability, using your own words). Please click here to view MKTG205 Grading Rubric. This rubric is a guide on how to earn points.

Please submit your assignment.

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