Need to write a journal with 100 to 200 words(from attached pdf and doc), answer the 4 questions which i have given below with 100 to 150 words.

I don’t know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.

1. read the article which is appropriately entitled: Aspects of Professionalism, Ethics, and Lifelong Learning for Australian ICT Professionals by Bill Davey and Arthur Tatnall, who are ICT and business lecturers based at RMIT and Victoria University in Melbourne. Hopefully, this reading will help you understand the importance placed on being an ICT professional and aid you in writing your journal entry for this week.

Now you will need to read “Why Should Professionals Keep Journals?” a document explaining the importance of developing a professional reflective journal. Once you have done that you will be required to post 100 words in your journal environment detailing responses to questions such as:

· A description of what you learned this week that will enhance your employment opportunities

· What you learned that reinforced something you already knew

· Something you learned that was new to you & why you think it important to your professional career development.

A significant goal of this subject is to provide you with knowledge and skills that help you bring value to your customers and help improve the professional image of ICT professionals.


Cearley D., Walker M., Burke B., (2016), Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2017, Accessed 03/11/2016

Davey, B., & Tatnall, A., (2008), Aspects of Professionalism, Ethics, and Lifelong Learning for Australian ICT Professionals, Journal of Business Systems, Governance & Ethics, Vol 4:3, p 27- 42 accessed 03/06/2010

2. Answer the following questions:

Question 1;

What do you understand the term “professional” to mean? Support your answer with at least one reference and correctly use in-text referencing in your answer.

Question 2:

What is the importance of a professional reflective journal – to support your answer, give one or two specific examples. Please note, we are talking about a personal reflective journal and not a commercial or industry one.

Question 3:

Getting to know yourself.

Please answer each of the following about yourself. Your answers are to be in whole sentences (brief answers receive low or no marks)

a) Are you a morning, noon or night person?

b) How long can you work intensively and still keep focused?

c) What sort of work do you look forward to doing?

d) What sort of work do you leave until the time is almost up, or worse?

e) How many hours can you work without a break?

f) How long does your break need to be for you to be refreshed?

g) How many weeks can you work without a day of not working?

h) How many days/weeks of not working do you need for you to be refreshed?

Question 4:

Prepare your “to do” list for next week. Use a simple table format and include at least 8 items, with priorities.

Quite Quote


Approximately 250 words

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