Nine Billion Humans in 2050?

I’m studying and need help with a Biology question to help me learn.


For this assignment, being by exploring this interactive map. Here are instructions for how to read the map:

Then, respond to the following questions:

  • Can any organism follow an exponential growth forever? What are the limiting factors? Review the dynamics of human population growth in the past 2000 years.
  • What does a dot represent on the map? In which part of the world will the number of humans increase most?
  • Assuming that this prediction is accurate, discuss local and global consequences on the environment.
  • Do you think that our planet can sustain a human population of 9 billion? Explain why.
  • Finally share any thoughts you might have on that subject.

Your completed journal assignment should be 350 to 450 words. For additional details, please refer to the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

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