NSG 100 Week 3 Learning Objectives and Worksheet: The IOM Report

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The IOM Report (Week 5)

Learning Objective:

Identifythe Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health Report recommendation.

  • The Future of Nursing Leading Change, Advancing Health
  • The Future of Nursing Leading Change, Advancing Health, Report Recommendations
  • The Future of Nursing Focus on Scope of Practice
  • The Future of Nursing Focus on Education

Through its deliberations, the committee developed four key messages that structure the recommendations presented in the report. What are the four key messages, and give a brief description of each one.

There are eight recommendations, list them and briefly describe them.

While challenges face nurses at all levels, the committee took particular note of the legal barriers in many states that prohibit advance practice registered nurses (APRNs) from practicing to their full education and training. The com­mittee determined that such constraints will have to be lifted in order for nurses to assume the responsibilities they can and should be taking during this time of great need.

Discuss how the inconsistent state regulations prevent advance practice nurses from practicing to the full extent of their education and training; how the health care system is changing, and the role of the federal government to promote change.

Although a BSN education is not a panacea for all that is expected of nurses in the future, it does, relative to other educational pathways, introduce students to a wider range of competencies.

A. Discuss the advantages of a BSN nursing education.

B. Discuss lifelong learning.

C. Discuss the idea of “enough nurses with the right skills.”

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