I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Below are the areas that were covered in the lecture. Please select one to focus on in your paper:
- Strategy
- Motivation
- Culture
- Communication
- Vital Signs (overall health of the organization)
- Triple Bottom Line
- Altering Approaches to Org Development
In your own words, think and write about:
- Why the element that you have chosen is important to OD;
- What role do you envision it playing;
- Do you have any reflective experience in which you recognized its importance in the workplace;
- What ways would you ensure that “it” will be an element that is key, integrated into your OD strategy; and
- Please also include a meaningful example and reference to Hornstein’s (2015) article on Organizational Change Managers regarding training and certification.
- 2-3 page paper written in APA format;
- Cover page;
- Two pages of narrative with in-narrative citations;
- 3-5 references used to support your own theories; and
- Reference page.
- Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), 291-298.
Project management processes and the training of new project managers (PM) must consider the impact of organizational change on the success and failure of project implementations. The case for requiring project managers to be conversant with organizational change management (OCM) is made by the author by reviewing supportive literature. In addition, PM certifying agencies like PMI and IPMA are strongly encouraged to include education on OCM to the certification process for new PMs.
*Other Sources are attached in this week’s Announcement because I cannot attach here…. One of the best sources to become familiar with is the article “10 Must Reads on Change” under OD reference sources. BUT, also do your own additional research!
**Post Script – I could not add multiple documents in Announcement, just one. So, if of interest, also take a look at the following found in our OD references:
- Mintzberg’s Ten Schools of Thought for Strategy
- 10 Must Reads on Change
- Change Leadership
- Leading Change
- Peter Senge on the learning organization
- Strategy Execution – A chapter by Hrebiniak