Peer response

Peer response
Project description
During past graduate studies, my research instructors utilized this three-prong approach in our course learning. They would challenge the class in the anticipatory, in exploring the spectrum of options, reviewing the research literature, planning, justifying our reasoning, and considering predictions. I remember one instructor emphasizing that the bachelors degree was about the that – the masters degree was about the how and the what – and the post-masters pursuit continued this building of knowledge with the why. Zimmerman & Croker (2014) conveyed that successful students in science understand the that of a particular strategy, coupled with the how and the why.
Also, collaboration and group research occurred for most of the high stakes assessments in these research courses, promoting a challenging dialogue, while strengthening the project construction, development, and delivery. Lastly, these professors informed that we not only would study research but that we would be doing research. This stance was also highlighted in the situated aspect with the thinking beingas acting being (Zimmerman & Croker, 2014, p. 250).
In my teaching instruction, I have increasingly realized the key elements of both collaborations and situated aspects in learning. I utilize student dyads and triads frequently in assignments. I also have gained an interest in visual literacy. I have the students create an infographic as part of their group research project. This taps into a visual image and aid in reflecting analysis of data and numbers (Zimmerman & Croker, 2014), with a powerful, persuasive, and quick impact and punch (Ovans, 2014).
Ovans, A. (2014, April 22). What makes the best infographics so convincing. Harvard Business
Review. Retrieved from
Zimmerman, C. & Croker, S. (2014). A prospective cognition analysis of scientific thinking and
the implications for teaching and learning science. Journal of Cognitive Education and
Psychology, 13, 245-257.

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