I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Part 1
Implement critical thinking and research strategies for clear communication of written ideas.
Produce a complete 2-4 page paper in which you do a comparison and contrast between driverless cars and/or traditionally driven cars. Be sure to define your reason for writing (thesis), and treat both ideas equally as to pros and cons, costs to promote, validity, efficiency to use, probability of success, and manpower requirements, etc. Your paper should contain an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs each supporting a major idea regarding your point for writing, and a concluding paragraph to wrap-up the paper and signal the completion of your support for your reason for writing.
Apply APA documentation techniques correctly in research.
Using the Rasmussen College library (online database) for all resources, find a topic you feel is suitable (real world, everyday life) for a brief 2-3 page research paper, and compose an annotated bibliography (not the entire paper) of 100 word annotations from a minimum of five resources from credible academic databases or eBooks. Be sure to employ APA method of documentation.
Part 3
Use collaboration techniques to correct written documents.
Show your ability to analyze, correct, and revise the following rough draft, giving your input on the revision necessary to improve the quality of this essay. You will show successful completion of this deliverable by:
- Providing feedback for corrections/alterations using the Comments feature in Word (Review tab).
- Respond to the six questions at the end of the student rough draft linked above.
- Use complete sentences in all of your responses.
Part 4
Show ability to use standard professional English in formal written documents.
Familiarize yourself with the strategies of research and produce an original five page minimum persuasive research essay using only the Rasmussen College library to find varied academic resources/databases. Choose five current, varied (by type), and credible sources to use in writing to support your topic which should result in a five page essay that persuades the reader that your perspective on a debatable topic is the correct position to take. Your APA paper should demonstrate your ability to engage the reader, provide a strong thesis with pattern for development, incorporate in-text citations as needed, and include a final reference page listing and using research resources as described above. Here is the topic for your persuasive essay assignment:
What do you think will be the most important debatable economic or social problem facing your field of work 20 years from now? Choose the problem, define it, and defend your position using credible research from the Rasmussen College library databases.