please write one paragraph (at least 200 words) in response to one or more of the following questions: What questions about gender, gender roles, transgender, sexism, biological sex, sexuality and/or gender in education have you ever wondered about? Tell

Help me study for my Sociology class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

please write one paragraph (at least 200 words) in response to one or more of the following questions: What questions about gender, gender roles, transgender, sexism, biological sex, sexuality and/or gender in education have you ever wondered about? Tell a story about a time when one of these questions came up for you. What (if anything) did you do to explore your questions? Did you come up with any satisfying answers? What still puzzles you? If you’ve never wondered about these topics, why do you think that might be? (Are you maybe insecure, incurious and/or blind to gender injustice?)

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