Principle of respect for autonomy

Principle of respect for autonomy





Since time immemorial multiple conceptions have occurred to many women in the world and most successfully carried their pregnancies term (Eric, 2009, p 113). Most are also lucky to have successful deliveries despite encountering numerous glitches during their pregnancy term. Some of such glitches encountered include high blood pressure as in our case with Francesca. In this case only three of the four embryos are attached which according to the current medical standards is not extremely threatening and can be catered for. The greatest issue I would bring up being an ethicist is the issue of ethics with the physician’s advice at hand.

We can make an assumption that Francesca is a health lady despite having blocked fallopian tubes. Before she autonomously agreed to the idea of the in-vitro fertilization, she was fully aware of the consequences but she volunteered herself to take risk. The physician had according to the medical ethics explained the perils of in-vitro fertilization but Francesca and her partner had agreed to take risk since they were desperate for a child of their own. The physician having fully disclosed the consequences left the choice to Francesca who was up for the task.

Ethically and legally abortion is not acceptable in the society at any stage of life (Eric, 2009, p. 212). Having known the dangers of In-vitro fertilization, Francesca and her partner would have gone for the adoption option. Since high blood pressure is treatable and curable, she should not at all costs procure an abortion. Instead she should carry the pregnancy to term since she consented to the idea of conceiving through in-vitro fertilization having fully known the consequences. She will not be the first to give birth to triplets neither will she be the last. Therefore, I would strongly recommend that she carry the pregnancy to term.


Eric, H. (2009). Textbook of medical ethics. New Jersey: Springer Publishers.

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