I’m stuck on a Engineering question and need an explanation.
Campus based students are assessed by 100% coursework. The coursework consists of two sections, each of which is worth 50% of the grade. In order to pass this course you must submit both parts of the coursework, and achieve a minimum grade of 40% in each part of the coursework.
The assignment is to be submitted in a report format and as such should have a formal structure and layout. It should be presented as a neatly bound professional document single sided.
Length: should not exceed 3000 words for each of the tasks, i.e. task 1 not exceeding 3000 words and task 2 not exceeding 3000 words.
Requirements: All submissions shall have a bibliography of references and sources used in the preparation of the project. Harvard style of referencing should be used.
Work must be submitted through Turnitin on or before the due date.
Turnitin will be used to check the originality of the report