Question1 My Personal Nursing Philosophy

Journal Assignments

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Question1: My Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing is more than just curing a physical condition; it’s about delivering great care tailored to the unique requirements of each patient. My nursing philosophy is based on a combination of evidence-based medicine and a commitment to providing care for the whole person, including the patient’s physical, mental, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, and social needs. In addition, excellent interpersonal interactions with other healthcare professionals are critical to ensuring that patients get the best possible treatment. In addition, I believe that the nurse-patient connection is critical in health promotion, since it may help patients avoid disease and improve their overall health.

Altruism and respect for patients’ rights are also important aspects of nursing, as is being a patient advocate throughout the care process itself. Thus, each patient is a distinct human being with distinct worldviews who needs to have his or her preferences and beliefs respected while also being informed of all of the alternatives open to them as well as any possible ramifications of their decisions. Moreover, I believe that to properly show worry about the care offered, it is critical to have an altruistic point of view.

Other nursing philosophies that I believe in include respect for human dignity, honesty, and equality, which are also the guiding standards of the profession as a whole. Practice human dignity so that prejudice and assumptions may be replaced with support and respect for the individuality of each patient’s condition. Patients, family members, or any healthcare professional should be handled with honesty and ethics to encourage personal responsibility and confidence. Prioritizing patients’ rights, as well as sensitivity to various cultural and religious viewpoints and beliefs, is critical to the fundamental foundation of nursing practice and education.

Question 2: Critical Thinking

It is the understanding and using information acquired from or developed by means other than direct experience or formal education that is an important part of critical thinking because it helps us make more informed decisions about what we believe and how we act in the world. The processes in the process of critical thinking include identifying and analyzing a problem, clarifying meaning, gathering evidence, assessing evidence, inferring conclusions, considering other pertinent information, and creating an overall judgment, among other things. It is essential to be critical to think critically and creatively beyond a particular argument and critically assess the evidence. Having the ability to think critically when the situation calls for it distinguishes a critical thinker from the rest of us.

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