refine the essay

I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.

Hi, I got some feed back from my prof,

-The first paragraph is too much summary, you can separate them into supporting paragraphs.

-The techniques are too broad, like “characterization”,”imagery”,‘symbolism’. you can describe them a little bit, such as how Yiyun Li use this technique in the book.

-The top sentence of each supporting paragraph should be very strong, it should state your main idea of the paragraph and connect the idea to thesis statement.

-The structure of supporting paragraph should be:

1.Topic sentence(state the main idea of paragraph and connect to the thesis statement)

2.Example,Quote (The structure of quote should be Introduce the quote—show the quote—analysis the quote)


-The title should be interesting, don’t just be “analysis of …”

-The main idea should be very clear.

-1200-1400 words.

Quite Quote


Approximately 250 words

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