reflective commentary on Career and Technical Education Instructional Programs and Teachers

I need help with a Philosophy question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Part 1 is to focus on one or two points of particular interest (i.e., something that caught your attention, caused you to reconsider something, or clarified something you did not understand previously). Here, “reflective” is referring to a habit of mind that questions why, what, and how one goes about doing what one does, with an eye toward making “what is,” better. It is a reflective critique of what has been learned and/or observed. As teachers, we all need to reflect on what we do and why we do it. Reflection is a vital part of improving instruction and learning. Part 2 is to focus on application; that is, on how the session materials can be put to use in “your” classroom or situation. Again, this is a reflective process looking for ways of applying what has been learned.

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