reply to discussion below-wk6cmit zack

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This is a good one, because I think that we never really think about being attacked online until it actually happens! I can tell you, I just bought a new laptop recently, and I make sure to have virus scans and uppermost security on this bad boy. My biggest fear is having a virus just completely destroy my computer.
Anyway, phishing is also a big thing in my unit, because a lot of the work done in my unit has to do with computers and other technology, people are also being targeted for phishing. Phishing is basically having you log onto a fake website (fake bank, fake MyPay, fake whatever) and basically input your information into it as though you are logging in. Then this allows access to your sensitive information, which is not so good! It’s especially bad with the military, because we have Common Access Cards (CaC) and if the information is stolen from those, that means all hell for that service member. Lots of information is linked to that account.
Making sure you have the up to date virus software is the best thing you can do for your own security as well as for the overall health of your computer system.

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