Research Paper
Discipline Information Technology
Description Scenario: As a health information manager, you will be responsible for designing strategic plans and you will also find yourself in a position in which you will have to educate your subordinates, superiors and the community. Imagine that you have landed a job as director of health information management of a small health organization. One of your principal tasks is to ready the organization for a health information management implementation initiative. One of the first things in the planning phases for health information management initiatives is an organizational assessment. ��� Review the literature on health information management and business strategies.. ��� Complete a 3���5 page literature review on best practices in business strategies in health information management. ��� Describe a hypothetical situation in which you as a health information management professional ready your organization for implementation of one new project. ��� Create a 20 question survey that will help organizations assess their business strategy, management and leadership practices and their readiness and ability to implement health information management initiatives. Turn in your topic selection. In this course you will complete capstone research projects on an issue or trend in health information management. It is up to you to select a topic. Your ideas should come from course work and class or team discussion or maybe from your workplace. If you do not have a viable idea for a project widen your horizons by conducting a literature search . Unit 2 Assignment 2 of 2: Job Search Preparation Assignment Phase II 20 points 2. Phase II ��� Choose Five of the Jobs that you identified in Phase I. Fill out the skills matrix. Refer to the Readings on employer preferences and skills in the workplace). Keep in mind that the soft skills may not necessarily stated in the posting explicitly but implied. Read the posting carefully and also research the organization and any publically available materials about the organization to determine which soft skills would likely be perceived as high value in that job. Readings: Robles, M. (2012) Executive Perceptions of Soft Skills Needed in Today���s Workforce. Business Communications Quarterly, 74(4) 453-465. Accessed 10 Nov 2012. Hartman, J & McCambridge, J (2011). Optimizing Millennial���s Communications Styles. Business Communication Quarterly, Volume 74, Number 1, March 2011 22-44. Accessed 10 Nov 2012. Velasco, M. (2012). More than just good grades: candidates��� perceptions about the skills and attributes employers seek in new graduates. Journal Of Business Economics & Management,13(3), 499-517. doi:10.3846/16111699.2011.620150 Utilize the soft skills identified to enhance your resume. Modify your resume to include a list highlighting the skills you possess. THE MATRIX IS THE SIXTH PAGE