Response to Anna Valdez DQ two

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Nursing research is beneficial in that it helps in the provision of evidence-based treatment to patients. The research includes the collection of data on different issues affecting healthcare, developing solutions, and trying new treatment approaches before fully implementing them into healthcare. A majority of patients are benefiting from evidence-based care that focuses on quality improvement and eventually efficiency with regards to healthcare costs. Evidence-based practices in nursing are beneficial to patients before, during, and after undergoing surgical procedures. One of the areas of concern to nurses is the patients’ experience with post-operative pain, which can significantly affect their speed of recovery. According to Haghighi, Shahdadi, Moghadam & Balouchi (2016), nurses can, therefore, utilize scientific methods to reduce both pain and stress in reducing pain in patients who have undergone surgery. Evidence care practice also plays a critical role in determining the type of care to be accorded to the patient depending on the operation procedure they undergo. For instance, colorectal cancer patients experience extreme pain after undergoing an operation procedure. Nursing research can help to reveal the best approach towards bowel preparation and the best combination of post-operative antibiotics and painkillers (Kwaan & Melton, 2012). Another way in which evidence-based care is necessary for nursing with regards to post-operative care is through teaching patients to use their mental status to control the post-operative pain because it would help to reduce the adverse effects of strong painkillers. The ability to maintain psychological control in the absence of analgesia is an achievement for patients, and it would help to speed their speed of recovery. Evidence-based treatment in nursing has also proved its effectiveness in the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. These would involve teaching patients to control nausea and vomiting using their mental status because most of them do not remember to take medication after being discharged from the hospital.


Haghighi, M. J., Shahdadi, H., Moghadam, M. P., & Balouchi, A. (2016). The impact of evidence-based practices on post-operative pain in patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery in Amiralmomenin hospital in Zabol during 2014-2015. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, 10(7), IC01.

Kwaan, M. R., & Melton, G. B., (2012). Evidence-based medicine in surgical education. Clinics in colon and rectal surgery, 25(03), 151-155.

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