Social Media: Ethics and Law (Doesn’t have to be a full page)

I don’t understand this Communications question and need help to study.

For today’s discussion, begin by reading Chapter 11 and the PowerPoint notes: COM 203_Ch_11 & Law.pptx

In the notes, read the Forbes article that highlights 5 Ethical issues:

Unreported Endorsements, Improper Anonymity, Compromising Consumer Privacy, Overly Enthusiastic Employees, and Using the Online Community to Get Free Work

Also in the notes, read the SmartCompany article that highlights 5 Legal issues:

Copyright Infringement, Misleading Conduct, Privacy and Confidentiality, Defamation and Advertising Standards.

For this discussion, let’s build on these lists.

Take a look at the articles below that discuss ethical and legal issues as each relates to social media and business.

1) Find one new issue to add to the list of “Ethical Issues” and

2) Find one new issue to add to the list of “Legal Issues”

3) Post your issues to the discussion board with a brief explanation of why businesses should be concerned.


Ethical Issues in Social Media (Links to an external site.)

Ethics of Social Media Marketing (Links to an external site.)

7 Fundamental Ethics of Social Media Marketing (Links to an external site.)

Ethical Issues in Internet & Social Media Marketing (Links to an external site.)

Ethical Aspects of Social Media Marketing (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)


The Law and Social Media (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)Social Media and the Law–11 Things You Need to Know (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Why Annual Social Media Policy Reviews are Necessary (Links to an external site.)

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Approximately 250 words

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