I’m studying for my Computer Science class and need an explanation.
Conduct A Survey Paper
Please write a survey paper for Image processing in X-ray applications
*reference more than 10 research papers.
*at least 6 full pages without accounting references
*The survey paper should include :
introduction of the topic
previous theories/methods
analysis and summary of these previous theories/methods
(advantages and disadvantages) list the challenges of the problem, analyze
future works
Please list the challenges of the problem, analyze and summary the current algorithms, point out the future works.
Please reference more than 10 research papers. The survey paper should be in the IEEE conference paper format http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
The Survey paper should be at least 6 full pages without accounting references.
Must write the survey paper in own words, not directly copy the original sentences from others’ works. In case if a student has to directly copy the original sentences from others’ works (exp. definition of a concept), please put these sentences in double quotation and indicate where get these sentences.