The Impact of Utilizing

Annotated Bibliography: iBook and Learner Engagement

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Topic: The Impact of Utilizing iBooks on Learners’ Academic Engagement and Language Acquisition in ESL Classes for Grade Six

Almekhlafi, A. G. (2021). The effect of E-books on Preservice student teachers’ achievement and perceptions in the United Arab Emirates. Education and Information Technologies, 26(1), 1001-1021.

E-books are slowly taking over as and replacing traditional textbooks in many educational institutions. This research investigated the effect that e-books had on the ability of students to learn technological course content. The research also assesses the perception of teachers on the benefits of books in learning. The study took a quasi-experimental approach. It had two experimental groups and one control group. The first group used an iBook, the second group used the PDF version of the iBook, while the control used a hard copy of the PDF. A questionnaire was later administered at the end of the experiment. The results did not indicate any significant difference in course achievement associated with the kind of book used. However, the students showed a significantly positive attitude toward the usefulness of the e-book than other versions. Abdurrahman Ghaleb Almekhlafi, the author is affiliated with the United Arab Emirates University.

Alzubi, A. A. F. (2021). The Role of Mobile Technologies in Impacting Learner Autonomy in an EFL Context: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 11(3), 56-73.

This study examines previous studies carried out on the role of mobile devices in supporting learner autonomy in English as a foreign language. The research uses a meta-analysis approach. It selected studies based on research design, field of study, publication type, and use of technology as the inclusion criteria. Coding sheets were used to analyze the 23 papers. This study revealed that the examined studies were carried out in Europe and Asia and that majority of the studies had both female and male subjects. The analysis revealed that mobile dives played a significant role in boosting learner autonomy in the study of English as a foreign language. Ali Abbas Alzubi is affiliated with Najaran University located in Saudi Arabia.

Azma, P., & AM, N. F. (2018). Preliminary survey: iBooks for engineering subjects in utem. Proceedings of Innovative Teaching and Learning Research Day, 2018, 14.

The 2018 article investigates the perception that students have in regard to digital interactive books and particularly the iPhone and Apple iPad. The methodology employed in this study was that the researchers designed two iBooks, namely the Multimedia Signal Processing and the Mechanical Vibration. The former was used by fourth-year students, while the latter was used by third-year students in the faculty of engineering. Two main factors were considered in the development of the iBooks namely interactivity and design. The findings showed that students tend to excel in engineering fields better when they learn with iBooks. The students also tend to spend more time on the gadgets hence they learn independently. The study was undertaken by Azma P. and Nurul Fajar. Azma P is affiliated with the Center for Advanced Research on Energy and the Universiti Teknial in Melaka Malaysia. Nurul is affiliated with the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the same university.

Elyas, T., & Al-Bogami, B. (2019). The role of the iPad as an instructional tool in optimizing young learners’ achievement in EFL classes in the Saudi context. Arab World English Journal,[Special Issue], 144-162.

This article aimed at probing the role of iPads in boosting language achievement. The research assesses the impact of integrating iPads as instructor tools in the learning of English as foreign language. Language achievement was measured using vocabulary abs reading tests administered before and after the intervention. Qualitative and quantitative data findings indicated that students who used iPads were more engaged and outscored their students in learning English as a foreign language. Basmah Al-Bogami, the author of this article, is affiliated with the King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia where he works in the institute of English language. This article is connected to Alzubi (2021) study because they center around the impact of mobile devices in the learning of English as a foreign language.

Eubanks, J. F., Yeh, H. T., & Tseng, H. (2018). Learning Chinese through a twenty-first-century writing workshop with the integration of mobile technology in a language immersion elementary school. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 31(4), 346-366.

This study assesses whether a technology integrated writing workshop had any notable effect on the attitude and ability in wiring among Chinese second graders. The subjects were part of the language immersion language program. The study involved twenty four students. The workshop incorporated an iPad recording technology, Book Creator Application and iPad camera. The research employed qualitative methods such as observation and pre and post surveys. The results confirmed the assertion that use of iPads decreases writing barriers, as demonstrated in the workshop of the Chinese immersion program. Noteworthy, the attitudes and abilities of the students improved drastically after going through the twenty-first-century writing workshop. The authors of this article have affiliation with major universities, Jia-Fang Eubanks teaches Japanese and Chinese at South High school in Denver. Hungwei Tsemg is an assistant professor at Jacksonville State University in the Department of Educational Resources. Hsin-Te Yeh is afflicted with Metropolitan State University where he works as an associate professor. This study is similar to the studies conducted that show how technology is used to teach English as a second language.

Reinhold, F., Hoch, S., Werner, B., Richter-Gebert, J., & Reiss, K. (2020). Learning fractions with and without educational technology: What matters for high-achieving and low-achieving students?. Learning and Instruction, 65, 101264.

This study compares learning for low and high-achieving students with and without technology. Reinhold et al. came up with a theory-grounded, which was interactive and provided scaffolds in eBooks. They evaluated scaffolds and curriculum but splitting 260 low achievers and 745 high achievers into three categories. The three categories included the curriculum group using paper copy, the scaffolded curriculum group that used ebooks on iPads and the Traditional group that used convectional textbooks. The results indicated that high-achieving students benefited most from the study regardless of whether the curriculum was presented with scaffolds or without. Low achieving students that were using scaffolds were decisive. This suggested that adaptive and interactive scaffolds support the learning of mathematical concepts particularly in low achieving students. Stefan Hoch, one of the authors of this text is the Chair for Geometry and Visualization in Germany and also has affiliations with the Technical University of Munich.

Remón, J., Sebastián, V., Romero, E., & Arauzo, J. (2017). Effect of using smartphones as clickers and tablets as digital whiteboards on students’ engagement and learning. Active Learning in Higher Education, 18(2), 173-187.

This study probes the use of smartphones and tablets in enhancing student engagement and learning. The researchers evaluated and compared traditional and interactive teaching strategies. The traditional strategies combined PowerPoint presentations with the use of blackboard while interactive strategies where lessons were taught using digital materials and activities such as tablets. Outcomes were measured via the question and answer method undertaken during class time and at the end of the term. Findings showed higher outcomes in the interactive lessons than the traditional strategies. The results further indicated that using interactive procedures increased student participation. The article was written by Javier Remon, Jesus Arauzo, Enrique Romero, and Victor Sebastian, who have affiliations with Spain’s University of Zaragoza.

Rivera, C. J., Hudson, M. E., Weiss, S. L., & Zambone, A. (2017). Using multicomponent multimedia shared story intervention with an iPad to teach content picture vocabulary to students with developmental disabilities. Education and Treatment of Children, 40(3), 327-352.

This article centers on the increased use of technology for academic purposes in students with developmental disability. The researchers employed a multiple probe design strategy. They used an iPad to assess a multicomponent multimedia shared story (MSS) intervention to teach three students with developmental disability science vocabulary. The vocabulary was included videos, texts and photographs and was all delivered using iPad. The results indicated that all three students could identify the vocabularies and maintained the knowledge across other stimuli. The conclusion was that iPads facilitated mastery of digital skills. The authors of this article, including Christopher Rivera, Melissa Hudson, Stacy Weiss, Alana Zambone, all had affiliations with East Carolina University. This study can be linked with all other studies mentioned here-in because iPads facilitate mastery of digital skills and improve learning outcomes.

Suharti, D. S. (2018). Utilizing iBooks in teaching EFL reading comprehension. In ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity (pp. 553-570). Routledge.

This article is about the use of iBooks in reading and teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This research was a case study and employed qualitative research techniques, including interviews, observation and documents examination. Data was gathered from 32 participants with one of them doubling as a participant-observer. The instructor used an iPad to teach students English. Results indicated that iBooks altered both the teaching and learning experiences. The experience was beneficial as students could read easily and instructors could teach easily. The author of this text, D.S. Suharti has affiliation with Muhammadiyah University of Tengerang in Banten, Indonesia.

Zaitun, Z., Hadi, M. S., & Lestari, D. R. (2021). Using bookwidgets to attract students’ interest in learning English. Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, 9(4), 504-511.

Published in 2021, the article is a research regarding the role of bookwidgets in influencing students interest in learning studying English. Bookwidgets is a platform that uses creative learning activities to engage students in teaching material. The platform equips students and teachers with widgets including chromebooks, iPad, iBooks, and Android tablets. This research employed quantitative descriptive research method. Data was collected using surveys. The population of study was students from junior high school. Data was analyzed using Likert statistical analysis. The results indicated that students recorded a 48.1% increase in interest in learning English after being introduced to Bookwidgets. This article was authored by Diah Rahmawati Lestari, Zaitun Zaitun, and Muhammad Sofian Hadi. Muhammad Sofian Hadi is currently a lecturer at the Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta while Diah Rahmawati Lestari is a student at same institution. This study is similar to the study conducted by Azma (2018) on how iBooks influences learning outcomes on engineering students.

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