total quality management

I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.


Kiran, D.R. (2016). Total Quality Management: Key Concepts and Case Studies, 1st Edition, Butterworth-

Heinemann, 2016. ISBN-13: 978-0128110355


Think about an organization you worked for in the past and how they recruited new employees for positions. Was there a situation where you noticed their practices were flawed and as a result the wrong individuals were hired and the new hire or hires did more harm than good as it related to cost of quality, customer satisfaction or inclusion in the workplace? To increase the chances of getting the best talent or talent pools, what would you have done to ensure quality was part of the discussion to determine the best fit. Please explain with details. There is no need to name names or the provide the specific company. I am looking for candor not bashing of an employer.

Respond to this in 150-200 words.

Background: I work for the United States Postal Service. There isn’t anything specific that they look for when hiring new employees. There is an application process the only consists of paperwork and making sure a person is okay working flexible hours.The job is fairly simple so that actually doesn’t effect anything.

The problem we have is in house promotions! Managers and supervisors don’t have leadership qualities. They are solely promoted based on their interest in the position and attendance record. Many employees don’t respect them for this reason.

Task: Please elaborate on this. Give recommendations on how management can be improved. What should they be looking for when promoting people to manage and supervise others. An attendance record is not a good enough reason to promote someone.

Quite Quote


Approximately 250 words

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