Weekly Question

I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

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Write about 250 words from identifying the major points from the chapter readings and case study on ” Unauthorized immigrant workers at Chipotle Mexican Grill Restaurants in Chapter 17 and answers the questions below in 250 to 300 words.

Chapter 16, Employees and the Corporation

Chapter 17, Managing a Diverse Workforce

Chapter 18, The Public and Corporate Reputation

Along with the chapter readings, pay particular attention to the following case in Chapter 17:

Unauthorized Immigrant Workers at Chipotle Mexican Grill Restaurants

Prepare a 500-word posting identifying the major points from the chapter readings. Conclude the post by considering the following case questions:

  1. Do you consider being an unauthorized immigrant a form of workplace diversity? How is it similar to and different from other kinds of workplace diversity discussed in this chapter?
  2. What are the benefits and risks to employers, such as Chipotle and others mentioned in this case, of hiring unauthorized immigrants—whether or not they do so knowingly?
  3. Other than employers, which stakeholders are helped and which are hurt when a business hires unauthorized immigrants?
  4. Do you agree with the public policies and enforcement strategies described in this case? If not, what changes in both would you recommend?
  5. Do you agree with Chipotle’s response to the government’s enforcement effort? What else should Chipotle’s managers do now, and why?

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Approximately 250 words

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