WK6 AssignmentGenogramPart CFinal Reflection

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K6 Assignment – Genogram – Part C – Final Reflection


The purposes of this multi-part assignment are to:

  • Diagram three-generations of your family;
  • Summarize what was learning by creating the diagram;
  • Revisit what was learned the the ‘lens’ of various theories covered in the course.


This genogram assignment, comprises three pieces:

  • In Week 1 – a genogram diagram,
  • In Week 2 – an initial reflection paper, and
  • In the next to last week – a final reflection paper.

Genogram – Part C – Final Reflection

In a paper, revisit the assignment through the “lens” of some of the different theories that have been covered in this class.

The paper should include:

  • An analysis of your family genogram using one of the theories covered to critically examine the family issues that may affect your professional use of self in practice and your (and/or family members’) social and psychological functioning.
  • An explanation of why you chose this theory.
  • A discussion of the family patterns or issues you’d like to explore more thoroughly.
  • A plan to address these so that they don’t inhibit you effective work with families as a social worker.
  • Revisit your self-awareness discussion from your initial reflection and comment on which pieces of that awareness has changed through the course.
    Self-awareness can be assessed in terms of your own ethnic self-identification, cultural socialization and accompanying biases, understanding of the values patterns and worldviews of yourself and other culturally diverse populations, especially Hispanic families, etc.

The paper should be
between 2 and 3 double-spaced pages, not including title page or references, and must be in correct APA style and free of grammar and spelling errors.

Quite Quote


Approximately 250 words

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