writing assignment

I’m working on a Computer Science question and need guidance to help me study.

“A Comparative Analysis of Tools and Technologies for Policy Making” in the course text. As you are well aware the readings are peer-reviewed journal articles that have been modified for compilation in the text. When looking at the abstract we find that this week is a continued examination of the tools and technologies that are used in policy making. I think that this article is very utilitarian, as it aids us in learning more about the relevant tools and technologies that are used for policy making. We want to make sure that we read all of the article, as it reinforces what policymaking is and how these tools are identified and used in the process. Additionally, there is a nice categorization of the tools and technology types that are used, this helps us understand the landscape even better. As will be seen, simulation is only one of the tools that we have to choose from.

Discussion Topic: Tools and Technologies for Policy Making

400 words would be sufficient.

Quite Quote


Approximately 250 words

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