Family Dynamics In Substance Abuse

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.

Please do not bid unless you have the textbook: The Alcholoic Family In Recovery ( A Developemental Model) Stephanie Brown & Virginia Lewis.


Learning Activity #2: Alcoholic Family System Discussion

  • Read Chapter 8 in your textbook by Brown & Lewis.
  • Prepare to share in discussion the following points.
    • List the six system mechanisms (structure and process).
    • Summarize in your words each of the six mechanisms as they relate to alcoholic family systems.
    • Reflect upon how alcoholic family systems maintain drinking.

Objective 2: Explain why feelings of despair and defeat are important for the individual moving into the Transition Stage.

In this week’s reading it is noted that “feelings of despair and defeat are essential to the recovery process,” which is what we will be exploring in this activity.

Learning Activity #3: Despair and Defeat Discussion

  • Read Chapter 9 in your textbook by Brown & Lewis.
  • Access The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in the link below.
  • Prepare to share in discussion the following points.
    • Explain how the concepts of despair and defeat affect the various family members during the transition process.
    • Explain how the principles in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous relate to the concepts of despair and defeat.

Objective 3: Reflect upon how many people don’t see their need until they’ve hit the bottom.

Perhaps the issue of “hitting rock bottom” is illustrated best by Jesus in His parable of the “Prodigal Son.”

Quite Quote


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